Month: December 2014

He Still Gets a Birthday Cake
This Monday was my son Alex’s 12th birthday. Our regular tradition is to release helium balloons with little notes stapled to them and send them […]

Light a Candle…
If you are a parent, grandparent or a sibling of a loved one who has passed away, please consider taking part in the Worldwide Candle […]

Look For Me in Rainbows…
These beautiful words resonated with me and how I feel about my son. There are always signs that our loved ones give us to comfort […]

A Limb Has Fallen From the Family Tree…
I found this grief poem online and wanted to share the beautiful words. “A Limb Has Fallen From The Family Tree” – Author Unknown

Birthdays And Anxiety
Birthdays And Anxiety My son’s 12th birthday is approaching in less than two weeks. I have already started feeling anxious, as I do every year. […]

How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
How can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from pouring down? Rhetorical questions, both with the same answer: you can’t. […]