The bond between bereaved parents can ease the overwhelming grief and loneliness we feel when we lose a child. When we experience the death of our child, it seems like we are thrown into a dark abyss where we feel alone and desperate.
It is only when we reach out to others who have experienced the greatest loss on earth, that we can find true compassion and understanding of our grief.
Our family and friends can try to comfort us, but unless they know the pain first hand, they will never be able to truly comprehend out feelings of helplessness.
Reaching out to online or local support groups can bring about a sense of peace and calm to a situation that you have no control of. You will find empathy, understanding and friendships that you never would have made. You will find inspiration and hope and you will be able to give it to others, as well.
I joined The Compassionate Friends in my local area several months after my son had passed away. I was nervous at the first meeting, not knowing what to expect. I was relieved when I realized that if you didn’t want to speak, you didn’t have to… But I did. I wanted everyone to know about my precious son and his short life that has so much meaning.
I continued to go to regular meetings and created friendships and bonds with people that I still keep in contact with many years later. Every summer my family participates in their annual Walk To Remember event. A beautiful celebration of our children’s lives.
If you are a newly bereaved parent, please consider some kind of support from others who know what you are going through. The bond is stronger than you can imagine. I promise you, if you give it a chance, you will start to heal.
My heart goes out to all parents suffering this indescribable loss. May you find peace and comfort during this journey.
For more reading on this topic, read: Talk About Your Grief.
Image courtesy of worradmu at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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